Natural Peanut Butter is the Way

Peanut Butter has become such a versatile and trendy food option nowadays. It's no wonder with how great it tastes and how satisfying it can be. With 180-200 calories per serving, it is loaded with healthy monounsaturated fat and protein that is sure to keep you filled up for a while. As I mentioned before it's super versatile, with recipes ranging from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, all sorts of baked goods, to even peanut sauces for dinner entrees, peanut butter can be incorporated seamlessly for a variety of meals.

While Peanut Butter itself is traditionally healthy, unfortunately most peanut butter brands out there are loaded with extra additives such as sugar, salt, and hydrogenated oils. These ingredients may make the consistency more creamy and appeal to kids, however the best option is natural peanut butter. If you're looking to incorporate peanut butter into your diet, but don't want the extra fluff that come with it, most health food stores have natural peanut butter with absolutely no added ingredients.  Stores such as WholeFoods and Earth Fare have natural peanut butter in their bulk section, with the option to grind and pack your own. That way you can see exactly how it's made and feel good knowing what you're putting into your body.

Next time you're at the grocery store and thinking of reaching for that Jiffy Peanut butter, think again and make a trip to WholeFoods to get your natural option!



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