Veggie Noodles: A Healthy Alternative to Pasta

For many, the thought of vegetables isn't the most pleasant one. Most of us tend to associate vegetables with diets and no flavor. Growing up, many kids never want to eat their peas and begin thinking that anything that is the color green will taste bad. Thankfully, there are so many fun and interesting ways to incorporate veggies into your diet. I personally am always on the lookout for new ways to add healthy foods in my diet and love finding new innovative ways to be healthy.

On my last trip to Earth Fare grocery store, I was in the produce section and spotted these interesting veggie noodles from a company called Veggie Noodle Co. The company specializes in noodle shaped vegetables, such as zucchini, sweet potato, beets, and more. These veggie noodles offer the perfect alternative for anyone looking to cut out pasta from their diet or anyone who may have a gluten intolerance. Of course you can buy your own zucchini or squash and make noodles out of them, however these prepackaged noodles are great for anyone who is on the go and wants to save time in the kitchen.

I was very curious about the zucchini noodles in particular, so I decided to buy two packs and try them for myself. I came up with a simple, yet taste way to cook them and would like to share with you guys. This recipe is super simple and time efficient as is as follows:

-- 2 packs of Veggie Noodle Co. zucchini noodles
-- 3 cloves of fresh garlic
-- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
-- 1 onion, chopped
-- 1 lemon, squeezed
-- Salt (I didn't measure, add a custom amount to suit your personal preference)
-- Pepper (Same as above)
-- Oregano
-- Fresh shredded parmesan cheese

Heat pan to medium heat. SauteƩ the zucchini noodles in extra virgin olive oil and add minced garlic cloves and chopped onion. Season with salt and pepper and stir to incorporate. Once the noodles, onion and garlic have caramelized, squeeze juice from lemon and stir in pan. Sprinkle some oregano and stir again. Once all the ingredients have mixed together, sprinkle shredded parmesan cheese on top and serve.

Serves 4-6.

This recipe is super simple, yet so good! Hope you can recreate it and customize it to your liking as well!



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