Why Taking a Daily Probiotic is Important

A probiotic is a combination of live bacteria and yeast that are especially good for digestive health. The bacteria in probiotics work in conjunction with the bacteria already found in your body to create a balance and keep your system working as it should.

While the use of a daily probiotic is not a standard recommendation for everyone, taking one can aid your health in a number of ways and keep your digestive track in top shape. You'll also find many doctors will recommend taking one especially after taking an antibiotic in order to keep the good bacteria in your system and prevent your immune system from weakening.

There are three types of probiotics commonly found in stores:

Lactobacillus --  This might be the most common probiotic. It’s the one found in yogurt and other fermented foods such as kombucha drinks, etc. Different strains can help with diarrhea and may help with people who are lactose intolerant.

Bifidobacterium --  You can also find this in a number of dairy products. It may help ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) as well as other digestive conditions.

Saccharomyces boulardii --  A yeast found in many probiotics. It appears to help fight diarrhea and other digestive ailments.

Some conditions and problems a probiotic can help with include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), infectious diarrhea caused by parasites, antibiotic related diarrhea, and more.

Probiotics are regulated by the FDA like food products, so make sure to consult your primary physician before incorporating one daily. I myself have been taking a probiotic for a few years now and have found my digestive health to be in the best shape it's ever been. I no longer feel bloated or have an upset stomach as frequently as I used to.

Interesting Probiotic Info in 90 Seconds



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