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Aromatherapy for Stress Relief

We live in an age where there seems to be a pill for every ailment imaginable. Add that to the high-tension stressful lifestyle many of us lead an it may seem like there is no good source of relief to be found. Many of us deal with stressful situations all around us, including work, school and now that we are in the holiday season, what should be a joyful time for us can seem tense with endless planning and holiday get togethers. Not to mention finals week is around the corner. Fortunately, there are still many natural stress relief remedies out there. Everything we need can be found in nature and help heal us without the nasty man-made side effects from pills. Aromatherapy has been a go-to for me lately. I work in retail and find myself getting stressed out at work with the large floods of customers coming in, many of them rude. Work, along with balancing school and other obligations tends to have me on edge at times. Diffusing various essential oils in my room has really h

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